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  • LegisTech Asia and Pacific, an initiative of Bússola Tech, will host a panel discussion featuring leading parliamentary figures from across the Asia and Pacific region to examine the role of Artificial Intelligence in parliamentary processes. This panel, “Optimizing Parliamentary AI with Research-Based Data," will provide a platform for dialogue on how research-based data can shape the future of AI in the legislative sphere.



    Esteemed panelists, representing diverse legislative assemblies, will offer their insights and expertise. The discussion, moderated by Mr. Luís Kimaid from Bússola Tech, will explore the intersection of AI and legislative processes, focusing on how research-based data can be leveraged to optimize parliamentary operations for a more efficient, transparent, and inclusive future.



    The panel will feature the following participants:



    • Ms. Mas Liza Maslan from the Parliament of Malaysia
    • Mr. Visvalingam Muralithas from the Parliament of Sri Lanka
    • Mr. Tahir Farooq from the National Assembly of Pakistan
    • Mr. Grant Vergottini from Xcential Legislative Technologies



    This panel discussion at LegisTech Asia and Pacific promises to be a valuable opportunity to explore the complex and evolving relationship between AI and parliamentary domain, offering insights into the potential of research-based data to shape a new era of legislative innovation.

  • Programme 

    Optimizing Parliamentary AI with Research-Based Data

    • August 28th, 2024 at 14:00pm (Time in Australia | GMT+10)


    • Luís Kimaid - Bússola Tech
    • Mas Liza Maslan - Parliament of Malaysia
    • Visvalingam Muralithas - Parliament of Sri Lanka
    • Tahir Farooq - National Assembly of Pakistan
    • Grant Vergottini - Xcential Legislative Technologies
  • Participants

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    Luís Kimaid


    Bússola Tech

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    Grant Vergottini


    Xcential Legislative Technologies

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    Mas Liza Maslan


    Parliament of Malaysia

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    Tahir Farooq

    Legislative Director

    National Assembly of Pakistan

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    Visvalingam Muralithas


    Parliament of Sri Lanka