About the Forum
The LegisTech Forum - 4th Edition, organised by Bússola Tech, is scheduled for the International Week for Democracy, from 11th to 15th September. This virtual conference will span 50 hours, focusing on the achievements and continuous efforts of Parliaments and Subnational Legislatures in the fields of modernisation and digital transformation.
Emphasizing the innovations in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in parliamentary operations, this edition will explore the integration and impact of AI within legislative processes. Discussions will provide granular-level insights into AI tools, exploring various aspects of legislative functions and governance.
Additional panels will cover a wide range of subjects such as data governance and ownership in parliaments, democratic governance in the leadership of parliaments, interparliamentary cooperation for the promotion of democratic governance, ensuring adequate funding for parliamentary modernisation, interfacing the rules of procedure and the modernisation strategy in parliaments, multisector public engagement strategies, integration of mismatched systems, transforming parliamentary operations through requests management, and parliamentary offices' friendly interface. Together, these discussions will serve as a comprehensive exploration of current trends and challenges in the parliamentary landscape.
The LegisTech Forum - 4th Edition is more than a conference; it's a global platform that exemplifies the tenacity and innovation of legislative institutions. A testament to the collaboration and shared vision propelling the continuous advancement and transformation of legislative bodies across the world.Programme
Day 1
Panel Discussion
Democratic Governance in the leadership of Parliaments: a path towards Modernisation
- Directorio Legislativo
- Câmara Municipal de São Paulo | Brazil
- Govable.ai
September 11th - 08:00am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Archives in the EU Parliament
- EU Parliament
September 11th - 09:30am (GMT-3)
Artificial Intelligence for Every Parliament: An Introductory Framework for Incremental Adoption
- NovaWorks Australia
September 11th - 10:00am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Congreso de los Diputados of Spain
- Congreso de los Diputados of Spain
September 11th - 10:30am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Applicable Improvements of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Citizen Engagement
- Congreso Nacional of Chile
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- GovLab
- NovaWorks Australia
- Cámara de Diputados de la Nación of Argentina
- Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat of Indonesia
September 11th - 11:00am (GMT-3)
The Case of the Commonwealth Parliamentarians with Disabilities in Accessibility of Parliaments
- Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
September 11th - 12:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum
- SADC Parliamentary Forum
September 11th - 13:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Parliament of Namibia
- Parliament of Namibia
September 11th - 13:30pm (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Data Ownership in Parliaments
- Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
- Govable.ai
- Oireachtas of Ireland
- Università di Bologna
- Demand Progress
- Parliament of Namibia
September 11th - 14:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Congreso de la República of Peru
- Congreso de la República of Peru
September 11th - 16:30pm (GMT-3)
The Case of the Comparative Print Suite in the U.S. House of Representatives
- U.S. House of Representatives
September 11th - 17:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the House of Commons of Canada
- House of Commons of Canada
September 11th - 17:30pm (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Applicable Improvements of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Legislative Committees
- Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- U.S. Senate
- NovaWorks Australia
- Cámara de Diputados de la Nación of Argentina
- Cámara de Diputados of Mexico
September 11th - 18:00pm (GMT-3)
Day 2
Updates on the Progress the Parliament of Thailand has Made in Digital Transformation Over the Past Year
- Parliament of Thailand
September 12nd - 08:00am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan
- Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan
September 12nd - 08:30am (GMT-3)
Whose Parliamentary Website is it Anyway?
- Knesset
September 12nd - 09:00am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in its usage in Parliaments
- Bússola Tech
-Hellenic Parliament
- U.S. House of Representatives
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- Govable.ai
- House of Commons of Canada
September 12nd - 09:30am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
September 12nd - 11:00am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Országgyűlés | National Assembly of Hungary
- National Assembly of Hungary
September 12nd - 12:00pm (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Applicable Improvements of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Legislative Archives
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- EU Parliament
- Senado de España | Spain
- Congreso de la República of Peru
- Senado Federal of Brazil
September 12nd - 12:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Honorable Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados of Chile
- Honorable Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados of Chile
September 12nd - 15:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Legislatura de la Provincia de Córdoba in Argentina
- Legislatura de la Provincia de Córdoba in Argentina
September 12nd - 15:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Norte | Brazil
- Assembleia Legislativa do Rio Grande do Norte | Brazil
September 12nd - 16:00pm (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Parliamentary Offices Friendly Interface
- Bússola Tech
- Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
- NovaWorks Australia
- U.S. House of Representatives
- House of Commons of Canada
- Knesset
September 12nd - 16:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Cámara de Diputados de la Nación of Argentina
- Cámara de Diputados de la Nación of Argentina
September 12nd - 18:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Nationale Assemblee of Suriname
- Nationale Assemblee of Suriname
September 12nd - 18:30pm (GMT-3)
Day 3
Panel Discussion
Applicable Improvements of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Hansard
- Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
- Riigikogu of Estonia
- House of Commons of Canada
- NovaWorks Australia
- Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan
- Sindilegis
September 13rd - 08:00am (GMT-3)
New challenges of the Parliament in Brazil
- TCU | Brazil
September 13rd - 09:30am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Parliament of Sri Lanka
- Parliament of Sri Lanka
September 13rd - 10:00am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation of the Archives in the Senado de España | Spain
- Senado de España | Spain
September 13rd - 10:30am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu of Estonia
- Chancellery of the Riigikogu of Estonia
September 13rd - 11:00am (GMT-3)
The Case of the eLegislate - the Digital Tool for Legislative Drafting in the EU Parliament
- EU Parliament
September 13rd - 11:30am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Data Governance in Parliaments
- Cámara de Diputados of Mexico
- Govable.ai
- National Assembly of Hungary
- Assembleia da Republica of Mozambique
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- Western Cape Provincial Parliament of South Africa
September 13rd - 12:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Assembleia da Republica of Mozambique
- Assembleia da Republica of Mozambique
September 13rd - 13:30pm (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Applicable Improvements of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Legislative Drafting
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- Cámara de Diputadas y Diputados of Chile
- Senado Federal of Brazil
- Xcential Legislative Technologies
- EU Parliament
- Câmara Municipal de São Paulo | Brazil
September 13rd - 14:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Assembly of People's Representatives of Tunisia
- Assembly of People's Representatives of Tunisia
September 13rd - 17:00pm (GMT-3)
The Constitutional Process in Chile and the Citizen Participation
- La Convención Constitucional de Chile
September 13rd - 17:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Parlamento Andino
- Parlamento Andino
September 13rd - 18:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Appropriations Committee in the U.S. Senate
- U.S. Senate
September 13rd - 18:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Cámara de Senadores of Paraguay
- Cámara de Senadores de Paraguay
September 13rd - 19:00pm (GMT-3)
Day 4
The Modernisation Case of the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat of Indonesia
- DPR House of Representatives of Indonesia
September 14th - 08:00am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
The Integration of Mismatched Systems in Parliaments
- House of Commons of Canada
- NovaWorks Australia
- Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat of Indonesia
- Hellenic Parliament
- Nationale Assemblee of Suriname
- KPMG Canada
September 14th - 08:30am (GMT-3)
Open data service of the Suomen Eduskunta of Finland
- Suomen Eduskunta of Finland
September 14th - 10:00am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the National Assembly of Pakistan
- National Assembly of Pakistan
September 14th - 10:30am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament in South Africa
- Western Cape Provincial Parliament of South Africa
September 14th - 11:00am (GMT-3)
The Case of the e-Law Project in Israel
- Israeli Ministry of Justice
September 14th - 11:30am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Requests Management: Transforming Parliamentary Operations
- Bússola Tech
- U.S. House of Representatives
- House of Commons of Canada
- EU Parliament
- Xcential Legislative Technologies
September 14th - 12:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Oireachtas of Ireland
- Oireachtas of Ireland
September 14th - 14:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Senado de la República of Chile
- Senado de la República of Chile
September 14th - 14:30pm (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Ensuring Adequate Funding for Parliamentary Modernisation
- Bússola Tech
- Parliament of New Zealand
- House of Commons of Canada
- Govable.ai
September 14th - 16:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Parliament of New Zealand
- Parliament of New Zealand
September 14th - 18:00pm (GMT-3)
The Case Presentation of LegisWeb - Enabling data driven Drafting in the Legislative
- Xcential Legislative Technologies
September 14th - 18:30pm (GMT-3)
Day 5
Foresight and Democracy in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
- Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
September 15th - 08:00am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Interparliamentary Cooperation for the Promotion of Democratic Governance in Parliaments
- Bússola Tech
- Directorate-General of the ParlAmericas
- Secretary-General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
- Universidad Austral
- House Democracy Partnership of the U.S. House of Representatives
- Presidency of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
September 15th - 08:30am (GMT-3)
Workflow Modernisation in Parliamentary Services
- Govable.ai
September 15th - 10:30am (GMT-3)
The Artificial Intelligence Case of the Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
- Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
September 15th - 11:00am (GMT-3)
Panel Discussion
Legislative Transparency Indexes
- Bússola Tech
- Parliamentary Network Africa
- Red Latinoamericana de Transparencia Legislativa
- ParlAmericas
September 15th - 11:30am (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Senado Federal of Brazil
- Senado Federal of Brazil
September 15th - 13:00pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Cámara de Diputados of Mexico
- Cámara de Diputados of Mexico
September 15th - 13:30pm (GMT-3)
The Modernisation Case of the Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica
- Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica
September 15th - 14:00pm (GMT-3)
An Introduction to the Congress.gov API: Accessing and Using Structured Congressional Data
- Library of U.S. Congress
September 15th - 14:00pm (GMT-3)
Strategic Partners