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  • LegisTech: Women in Leadership - 1st Edition





    The Bússola Tech's conference "LegisTech: Women in Leadership", to be held on March 8th, 2022, is honoured to welcome women leaders from different Parliaments and Subnational Legislatures from dozens of Countries, to discuss the challenges and the path for institutional modernization and digital transformation in the legislative.


    Our goal is to deepdive on the most relevant discussions about legislative modernisation, exchanging experiences and fostering the opportunities for collaboration between legislatures.

  • Programme 

    Trends in Parliaments - a Digital perspective


    • March 8th, 2022 at 10h (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Patricia Gomes Rêgo De Almeida - Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil

    Panel Discussion

    First steps for developing a digital transformation strategy in the legislative

    • March 8th, 2022 at 10h30 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Sarah Fernn - Bússola Tech
    • Patricia Gomes Rêgo De Almeida - Câmara dos Deputados of Brazil
    • Libby Kurien - UK Parliament

    The advantages of a digital legislative process

    • March 8th, 2022 at 12h30 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Silvia Zveiter - Câmara Municipal Nova Friburgo

    How Akoma Ntoso is transforming legislative drafting?

    • March 8th, 2022 at 13h00 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Sabrina Vigneux - Xcential Legislative Technologies

    Making Legislative Information Available

    • March 8th, 2022 at 13h30 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Sarah Fernn - Bússola Tech
    • Ornela Flavia Vanzillotta - Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
    • Olga Gianniadi - Hellenic Parliament
    • Maria Baron - Directório Legislativo

    Remote Deliberation in joint sessions

    • March 8th, 2022 at 15h00 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Roberta Lys - Senado Federal of Brazil

    How to Structure Remote Parliamentary Offices for Members?

    • March 8th, 2022 at 15h30 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Victoria Lindia - House of Commons of Canada

    Comparing Legislation Platform - Steps Towards Collaboration Between Parliaments

    • March 8th, 2022 at 16h00 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Christine Weidenslaufer - Congress of Chile

    Steps for the Modernisation of Legislative Drafting

    • March 8th, 2022 at 16h30 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Sarah Fernn - Bússola Tech
    • Sabrina Vigneux - Xcential Legislative Technologies
    • Christine Weidenslaufer - Congress Chile
    • Luciana Teixeira - Câmara dos Deputados

    Drafting Legislation in the Era of AI and Digitisation

    • March 8th, 2022 at 18h00 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Monica Palmirani - Università di Bologna

    The Future of the Interface Between Parliament and Society

    • March 9th, 2022 at 10h00 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Robin Treistman - Knesset

    Case Presentation of the Senado de la República of Colombia

    • March 9th, 2022 at 12h30 (time in Brazil | GMT-3)


    • Diana Plata - Senado de la República of Colombia